MODX Temporary URLs
There are two ways to change a MODX Revolution website to use a temporary url, or changing it to the final url.
- Run the setup in upgrade mode
- Manually update the core config file
If you deleted the setup folder after installing MODX, then it may be faster to edit the config file than re-upload the installer and run it again. If you wish to update the config file, follow these steps:
- Locate the config file (Normally in /home/username/public_html/core/config/ or alternatively /home/username/core/config/
- Add or Remove the four username (/~username) references within the config file.
- Change the http_host name to the domain name used to access the website (without slashes) So or would become and respectively.
- Manually delete the MODX Site Cache (the files in the core/cache folder), and visit the site using the new address.
If you have any problems making these adjustments, contact support for further assistance.
Example configuration for a MODX site running on a temporary URL
<?php /** * MODX Configuration file */ $database_type = 'mysql'; $database_server = 'localhost'; $database_user = 'database_user'; $database_password = 'yoursecurepassword'; $database_connection_charset = 'utf8'; $dbase = 'database_name'; $table_prefix = 'modx_'; $database_dsn = 'mysql:host=localhost;dbname=database_name;charset=utf8'; $config_options = array (); $driver_options = array (); $lastInstallTime = 1370383762; $site_id = 'modx51ae6592bcd899.48905848'; $site_sessionname = 'SN4d0e76c39ccf4'; $https_port = '443'; $uuid = '263452b6-23f2-40a3-978d-174ce69a1890'; if (!defined('MODX_CORE_PATH')) { $modx_core_path= '/home/username/public_html/core/'; define('MODX_CORE_PATH', $modx_core_path); } if (!defined('MODX_PROCESSORS_PATH')) { $modx_processors_path= '/home/username/public_html/core/model/modx/processors/'; define('MODX_PROCESSORS_PATH', $modx_processors_path); } if (!defined('MODX_CONNECTORS_PATH')) { $modx_connectors_path= '/home/username/public_html/connectors/'; $modx_connectors_url= '/~username/connectors/'; define('MODX_CONNECTORS_PATH', $modx_connectors_path); define('MODX_CONNECTORS_URL', $modx_connectors_url); } if (!defined('MODX_MANAGER_PATH')) { $modx_manager_path= '/home/username/public_html/manager/'; $modx_manager_url= '/~username/manager/'; define('MODX_MANAGER_PATH', $modx_manager_path); define('MODX_MANAGER_URL', $modx_manager_url); } if (!defined('MODX_BASE_PATH')) { $modx_base_path= '/home/username/public_html/'; $modx_base_url= '/~username/'; define('MODX_BASE_PATH', $modx_base_path); define('MODX_BASE_URL', $modx_base_url); } if(defined('PHP_SAPI') && (PHP_SAPI == "cli" || PHP_SAPI == "embed")) { $isSecureRequest = false; } else { $isSecureRequest = ((isset ($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && strtolower($_SERVER['HTTPS']) == 'on') || $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] == $https_port); } if (!defined('MODX_URL_SCHEME')) { $url_scheme= $isSecureRequest ? 'https://' : 'http://'; define('MODX_URL_SCHEME', $url_scheme); } if (!defined('MODX_HTTP_HOST')) { if(defined('PHP_SAPI') && (PHP_SAPI == "cli" || PHP_SAPI == "embed")) { $http_host=''; define('MODX_HTTP_HOST', $http_host); } else { $http_host= $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']; if ($_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] != 80) { $http_host= str_replace(':' . $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'], '', $http_host); // remove port from HTTP_HOST } $http_host .= ($_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] == 80 || $isSecureRequest) ? '' : ':' . $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT']; define('MODX_HTTP_HOST', $http_host); } } if (!defined('MODX_SITE_URL')) { $site_url= $url_scheme . $http_host . MODX_BASE_URL; define('MODX_SITE_URL', $site_url); } if (!defined('MODX_ASSETS_PATH')) { $modx_assets_path= '/home/username/public_html/assets/'; $modx_assets_url= '/~username/assets/'; define('MODX_ASSETS_PATH', $modx_assets_path); define('MODX_ASSETS_URL', $modx_assets_url); } if (!defined('MODX_LOG_LEVEL_FATAL')) { define('MODX_LOG_LEVEL_FATAL', 0); define('MODX_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR', 1); define('MODX_LOG_LEVEL_WARN', 2); define('MODX_LOG_LEVEL_INFO', 3); define('MODX_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG', 4); } if (!defined('MODX_CACHE_DISABLED')) { $modx_cache_disabled= false; define('MODX_CACHE_DISABLED', $modx_cache_disabled); }